Gallery Pictor 2022年プログラム
小野久留美 ソロ・エキシビション
《Maw of the Earth》
Kurumi Ono Solo Exhibition
in Gallery Pictor 2022 year-round program
-Maw of the Earth-

(English follows after Japanese)
Gallery Pictor では2022年10月15日(土)~11月3日(木・祝)まで、小野久留美ソロ・エキシビション《Maw of the Earth》––”大地の口”の意––を開催いたします。
小野 久留美
小野 久留美 略歴(詳しいプロフィールはこちら)
2019年ロンドン芸術大学セントラル・セント・マーチンズのファイン・アート学部卒業。在学中にはフランスの現代美術家アネット・メサジェへの作品提供を行ったほか、2018年テート・モダンで行われた実験的な現代アートプログラムTate Exchangeにも参加している。卒業後は東京と栃木に拠点をおき、制作・発表を続ける。
- 会期 : 2022年10月15日(土)〜11月3日(木・祝)
- 時間 : 11:00 〜 18:00
- 休廊日 : 月曜・火曜(祝日含む)
- 会場 : Gallery Pictor
アーティスト×ゲストトーク 開催概要
- 開催日時:2022年10月25日(火) 19:30 〜 21:00
- 開催方法:オンライン(Youtube配信)
- 参加費:無料
We are pleased to have Kurumi Ono Solo Exhibition <Maw of the Earth> from Saturday, 15th October through Thursday, 3rd November.
Ono shoots photographs, prints them on paper and buries them in the soil, where they are naturally transformed by the soil’s composition, moisture, and the creatures in the ground. The works dug out of the ground show different expressions, even though they were taken at the same time, in the same place, and with the same motifs. Just as each individual life was a single result of accidental accumulation of a vast number of possibilities. Her works represent a single life as a starting point which may be related to a long, long time and a vast expansion of the world.
Ono says that she arrived at this method of production because she was interested in the “aspiration for preservation” that humans have in response to the “impermanence” of all things. The feeling of “ephemerality” toward things that change is a manifestation of human emotion, and it seems that her previous works have also been based on this perspective. In this exhibition, however, the creator’s perspective expands to include not only humans but also many other living and non-living things, evoking the “strength” of things that hold on to life through change.
Artist Statement
The Mother Earth, in Jung’s expression of the Great Mother, is a being that can both embrace things and engulf things. In other words, while it creates and nurtures life, it may also absorb them into itself.
Sometimes photographs buried in the ground leaves no trace. Sometimes, when photographs were dug up after a long period of rain, white slime-like substances cover the entire surface of the paper. Or there are holes on the paper that were not there before it was buried. They may be traces created by natural phenomena or nibbled by creatures.
Did they use some of my work as food ? Or perhaps it was used to build a nest.
It is very exciting to think about such things, and through the act of being absorbed by the Earth, I am strongly reminded of my relationship with the organisms, inorganic matters, and phenomena that exist on the Earth.
This exhibition will feature works made from photographs of various living and inorganic objects, including plants, the sea, stones, echographs and fruit, printed on paper and buried in soil. I hope this exhibition will give you an opportunity to think about how we relate to and live with others who live on the same time axis in a soil full of life.
Kurumi Ono
Kurumi Ono Short Biography (See details)
Graduated from BA Fine Art, Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts London in 2019. During her studies, she contributed work to French contemporary artist Annette Messager, and also participated in the experimental contemporary art program Tate Exchange at Tate Modern in 2018. Since graduation, she has been based in Tokyo and Tochigi, where she continues to produce and present works.
Basic Information of the Exhibition
- Duration : Saturday, 15th October – Thursday, 3rd November, 2022
- Open hours: 11:00 – 18:00
- Close on every Monday & Tuesday including public holiday
- Venue : Gallery Pictor