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河本蓮大朗 展 [ 時の布 ]

Rentaro Kawamoto Solo Show -Weaving of Time-


撮影 小野田陽一(seehoot) / 編集 小野田陽一・坂口薫り子(seehoot)


(English follows after Japanese)


Gallery Pictor では2021年3月27日(土)〜4月25日(日)まで、河本蓮大朗の個展 [時の布] を開催いたします。






[時の布] と題した本展では、河本の出身地でもあり開催地となる鎌倉と織物との関係を紐解き、禅宗の伝来と茶の湯の興隆が織物文化の発展に関わっていたことに基づいて、禅の世界とリンクしながら、過去から現在、そして未来へとつながる時間を作品に織り込むことに挑戦します。


















河本 蓮大朗


撮影:小野田 陽一




開 催 概 要


(1) Gallery Pictor での展示

 - 会期 : 2021年3月27日(土)〜4月25日(日)

 - 時間 : 11:00 〜 18:00

 - 休廊日: 月曜・火曜

 - 会場 : Gallery Pictor


(2) 建長寺・方丈(龍王殿)での展示

 - 会期 : 2021年4月2日(金)〜4月4日(日)

 - 時間 : 8:30 〜 16:30

 - 拝観料: 建長寺への入山に所定の拝観料がかかります。(展示会場は入場無料)

 - 会場 : 建長寺・方丈(龍王殿)




建長寺での展示についても問い合わせはGallery Pictorまでお願いいたします

TEL: 080-7085-8404(月曜・火曜は受付時間外)


We are pleased to have  Rentaro Kawamoto Solo Show -Weaving of Time- from March 27, Saturday through April 25, Sunday.

Rentaro Kawamoto creates his works from old clothes collected from various places. He tears old clothes, dye them, and weave a new image using a loom.

Textiles have existed with human activities since ancient times, and the background is the development of human life, culture, technology and materials in that area and at that time. The artist is aiming to incorporate the human activities of this era in which we are living into our works, while thinking about such history and stories.

For this show, titled -Weaving of Time-, Kawamoto explored the relationship between textiles and Kamakura, where he was born and the exhibition will be held, and he found that the spread of Zen Buddhism and tea ceremony in Kamakura during 12-13 centuries brought the development of textile culture. Based on this history, Kawamoto tried to weave time leading to the past, present and future into his works while linking with Zen thought.


Collaboration with Kencho-ji Temple

We are so exciting that we will invite you to the three-day limited exhibition at Kencho-ji Temple. It is great honor to collaborate with Kencho-ji, which is a famous Rinzai Zen temple and ranks first among Kamakura’s so-called Five Great Zen Temples (the Kamakura Gozan). The exhibition at Kencho-ji will be held April 2, Friday to April 4, Sunday. We hope that you will enjoy the both exhibitions, at Gallery Pictor and at Kencho-ji.


Artist Statement

My textile artworks are rooted in the lives and activities in this era.

I think that they are something like mirrors which reflect myself and the people around us and the society and environment at present.

They are also related to the history of Japanese culture, including textiles.


In the middle age, Zen thought and tea ceremony culture were introduced to Kamakura, that also brought masterpiece of textiles.

This exhibition will be composed by expanding the image from such an episode.


It is just my imagination, but I think the people who first saw the textiles that came in were so excited by the wind of the new culture.

I hope that an exciting chemical reaction which mixes different cultures and times will happen, like that old time, by exhibiting textiles that live in present times in a historical place Kencho-ji Temple.




Exhibition at Gallery Pictor

– Duration : March 27, Saturday – April 25, Sunday

– Open hours: 11:00 – 18:00

– Close on Monday and Tuesday

– Venue:  Gallery Pictor

Kamakura Tailor Bldg. 2F, 3-1-28 Yuigahama, Kamakura City, Kanagawa pref.

(Click the above address to see the map.)

– Access:

  • 10 minutes walk from west exit of Kamakura Sta., JR Yokosuka Line
  • 5 minutes by bus from east exit of Kamakura Sta., JR Yokosuka Line
    • Destination “Fujisawa St.”, ENODEN Bus
    • Destination “Kajiwara” or “Kamakura-yama”, Keihin-Kyuko Bus
    • Get off the bus at the stop of “Rokujizo” or “Sasame”
  • 3 minutes walk from Wadazuka Sta., ENODEN Line.


Exhibition at Kencho-ji Temple

– Duration :   April 2, Friday – April 4, Sunday

– Open hours:  8:30 – 16:30

– Close on 15:00 – 16:00 on April 3. Saturday.

– Admission fee for Kenicho-ji Temple: 

Adult. 500 yen, Child 200 yen

(The exhibition is free to enter)

– Venue: Hojo (Ryuo-den),  Kenchoji

8 Yamanouchi, Kamakura City, Kanagawa pref.

(Click the above address to see the map.)

– Access:

  • 5 minutes by bus or 10 minutes walk from Kita-kamakura Sta., JR Yokosuka Line
  • 10 minutes by bus or 30 minutes walk from Kamakura Sta., JR Yokosuka Line
  • (See details on Kencho-ji website.)


Transportation between Gallery Pictor and Kencho-ji

There is no direct bus or train service between the gallery and the temple. Please use buses between JR Kamakura Sta. and the gallery, and buses between JR Kamakura Sta. and Kencho-ji.

Note for coming by car

Gallery Pictor has no private parking lot, so please use pay parking lot near Gallery. Kencho-ji has its own pay parking lot for 20 cars. (See details on Kencho-ji website.)



For inquiries regarding exhibitions both at Gallery Pictor and Kencho-ji Temple, please contact Gallery Pictor.

TEL. 080-7085-8404 (Closed on Monday and Tuesday)
