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Gallery Pictor 2022年プログラム
浅野井 春奈 ソロ・エキシビション

Haruna Asanoi Solo Exhibition
in Gallery Pictor 2022 year-round program
-Something like a screw next to you-




(English follows after Japanese)


Gallery Pictor では2022年11月9日(水)~11月27日(日)まで、浅野井春奈ソロ・エキシビション《そこにいる、ねじ。》を開催いたします。























浅野井 春奈

浅野井 春奈 略歴(詳しいプロフィールはこちら

1990年東京都生まれ。木彫作家。浅野井の作品には、人間ばなれした人、あるいは擬人化された人以外のモノが数多く登場する。私たちを取り巻く無数のモノや生命に視点を合わせ、物語を紡ぐように作品世界を構築している。2014年 東京藝術大学 美術学部彫刻科 卒業、2021年同大学院 美術研究科彫刻専攻 修士課程修了。



 - 会期  : 2022年11月9日(水)〜11月27日(日)

 - 時間  : 11:00 〜 18:00

 - 休廊日 : 月曜・火曜【11月20日(日) はワークショップのため展示は15時終了】

 - 会場  : Gallery Pictor









 - 講師:浅野井 春奈

 - 開催日時:2022年11月20日(日) 15:30 〜 17:00

 - 会場:Gallery Pictor

 - 参加費:¥2,000(税込)

 - 定員:8名



We are pleased to have Haruna Asanoi Solo Exhibition <Something like a screw next to you> from Wednesday, 9th November  through Sunday, 27th November.


Referring to Asanoi’s portfolio since 2017, a series of <fragments> whose heads are shells as heads appeared in 2019, and at some point a series of <screws> using scroll shells began.

Shells are often used in her works even if they are not involved in a specific series. With the exception of wood, no other material, besides shells, seems to be used repeatedly in this way. It is evident that shells are a special material for Asanoi to support her creations.


The appeal of Asanoi’s work can be attributed to the presence and narrative of the sculptures themselves, but deep down, it seems to be supported by her ability to express multifaceted qualities.

Loveliness, comicality, horror, loneliness, oddness, warmth, laziness, toughness…

Whereas many of us act as if the ambivalence and polysemy that we carry within us is not on display, Asanoi’s sculptures reveal it without a trace. That is why these mysterious non-human creatures look so human.


Artist Statement


When I picked up the bones at the crematorium, I felt that they resembled shells picked up at beach.

At that moment, a scene of the beach I used to visit when I was a child came to mind, and I felt a vague sense of a connection.


Based on this sense, I create human figures using shells and wood instead of the bones and flesh that make up a person. In this way, I am exploring the presence of sculpture.


This exhibition will show a series of works using a shell whose outer parts has been scraped by waves and the shaft remains.


I tried to produce the appearance and presence of a sculpture, thinking that the axis, or <center> of the shell will creates the shape of the body, or <world>.



Haruna Asanoi Short Biography (See details)

Born in 1990 in Tokyo, Japan. She creates works by wood carving. Many of Asanoi’s works are based on motifs of depersonalized people or anthropomorphized non-human objects. She focuses on the myriad of things and life that surround us, and constructs her world of work as if she were spinning a tale. Master’s Degree at Department of Sculpture, Graduate School of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of Arts in 2021.



Basic Information of the Exhibition

 - Duration : Wednesday, 9th November – Sunday, 27th November, 2022

 - Open hours: 11:00 – 18:00

 - Close on every Monday & Tuesday including public holiday

 - Venue : Gallery Pictor



Workshop – Making creatures with wood and shells

In this workshop, participants will make a creature from seashells and wooden twigs like Asanoi’s artwork. Please join us on Sunday, 20th November !


 - Lecturer : Haruna Asanoi

 - Date & Time:Sunday, 20th November,  3:30 – 5:00 PM

 - Venue : Gallery Pictor

 - Fee:¥2,000

 - Capacity : 8 persons


application to participate