Gallery Pictor 2022年プログラム
石川 直也 ソロ・エキシビション
Naoya Ishikawa Solo Exhibition
in Gallery Pictor 2022 year-round program
-Person Not Independent-

(English follows after Japanese)
Gallery Pictor では2022年8月20日(土)~9月10日(土)まで、石川直也のソロ・エキシビション《自立しない人》を開催いたします。
人体彫刻といえば、均整のとれた体つきのモデルが綺麗なポーズを決めているものを、おそらく私たちは想像するでしょう。しかし石川の《自立しない人》は、その想像を-石に似つかわしくない軽やかさで-裏切ってくれます。人体彫刻に限らず、石の彫刻に関する様々な固定概念やタブーを破ることで、石川の作品は進化しています。ここ1〜2年の間だけでも、彫刻に絵の具で着彩した《LINE》シリーズや《Oil on marble》の一連の作品、また絵画のように壁に飾る《彫刻の絵》シリーズなどを発表しています。

石川 直也
石川 直也 略歴(詳しいプロフィールはこちら)
「彫刻とは何か」を常に探求し、大理石という素材と向き合う。制作行為は、言葉では表現しきれず、言葉と言葉の境界にある曖昧な部分を探ることであり、そこにこそ大切なものがあるとして、人の認識や思考に問いかけるため既成概念にとらわれないアプローチを続ける。2010年東京藝術大学卒業制作展にて東京都知事賞・安宅賞受賞。2012年東京藝術大学大学院 美術研究科修士課程 彫刻専攻修了。東京都出身。
- 会期 : 2022年8月20日(土)〜9月10日(土)
- 時間 : 11:00 〜 18:00
- 休廊日 : 毎週月曜・火曜(祝日含む)
- 会場 : Gallery Pictor
We are pleased to have Naoya Ishikawa Solo Exhibition Person Not Independent from Saturday, 20th August through Saturday, 10th September.
When we think of human sculpture, we probably imagine one with a well-proportioned body in a beautiful pose. However, Ishikawa’s Person Not Independent betrays this expectation lightly. His works have evolved by breaking various stereotypes and taboos related to stone sculpture, not limited to human sculpture. In the past year or two, he has produced works such as the “LINE” series and the “Oil on marble” series, those which are colored with paint on the surface, and the “Sculptural Paintings” series, which hangs on the wall like a painting.
The series of Person Not Independent are suggestive from a variety of perspectives; we humans can only live on “level ground,” independence is different from isolation, and not being independent is actually a great blessing….
This exhibition will focus on the series of Person Not Independent including the fragment series, which is a miniature version of the Person Not Independent, and also new works derived from the “LINE” series, which break the unspoken agreement “sculpture does not need a purpose.”
We invite you to view the works of Naoya Ishikawa, an explorer who, out of his love of sculpture, is constantly questioning stereotypes and opening up new possibilities.
Naoya Ishikawa Short Biography (See details)
Ishikawa always in search of “what is sculpture?”, and confronts the material marble. His works take an out-of-the-box approach and stimulate human perception and thinking. He believes that the act of creation is to explore the ambiguity, which cannot be expressed in words but something what may be important, that lies at the boundary between words. He graduated from Department of Sculpture, Graduate School of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of Arts in 2012.
Basic Information of the Exhibition
- Duration : Saturday, 20th August – Saturday, 10th September, 2022
- Open hours: 11:00 – 18:00
- Close on every Monday & Tuesday including public holiday
- Venue : Gallery Pictor
Artist Statement (Link)
Workshop on 11th August (Link)