河本蓮大朗 展 [時の布] 記録映像を公開|Short movie of Rentaro Kawamoto Solo Exhibition [Weaving of Time]
2021年4月2日〜4月4日に鎌倉の巨福山 建長寺で行われた、河本蓮大朗 展 [時の布] の記録映像を公開します。
We are very pleased to release the short movie of Rentaro Kawamoto Solo Exhibition [Weaving of Time]held at Kenchoji Temple in Kamakura from April 2nd to April 4th, 2021.
Following the production scene in Kawamoto’s studio, the exhibition at Kenchoji Temple which is surrounded by a calm and dignified atmosphere is recorded.
河本蓮大朗 展 [時の布] Movie|Rentaro Kawamoto -Weaving of Time- Short Movie
2021年3月27日〜4月25日 Gallery Pictor|4月2日〜4日 建長寺 にて開催
撮影 小野田陽一(seehoot) / 編集 小野田陽一・坂口薫り子(seehoot)
Filming : Yoichi Onoda (seehoot) / Editing: Yoichi Onoda & Kaoriko Sakaguchi